Planning to get a dog or cat for my baby?

Planning to get a dog or cat for my baby?
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Anything that is Low maintenance. I’m telling you, a child is already handful. Your pet won’t have enough attention from you. Dogs need to be walked. They bark. Cats mind their own business. Both are playful when young. I have a pet and was so crazy into my pet until I gave birth. I feel guilty until today that I don’t give my pet as much attention as before. So do think about it. Also, it’s a lifetime commitment like your own family. Don’t be like those bloody idiots who abandoned their pets JUST BECAUSE they can’t afford or can’t control.

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cats coz they are quieter but it depends on the pet's energy level. When cats is active, they tend to be bitey and scratchy , dogs tend to be barky and bitey. So depends on ur preference

Got a cat, a dog and rabbits.

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