
Does your maid take afternoon nap? Do u allow?

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Yes because she starts working at 6am in the morning. It’s only human to allow for her to take an afternoon nap.

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Of course. Esp if your helper is doing housework and taking care of baby at the same time. They are human too.

Depends on the hours /job you required her to work. Short nap like 1.5hours should be ok

yes most of the work i do😳 but she like my baby so i guess its ok

Unless she is really sick or super tired, she has never asked me

Mine do not take naps as she does not need to help out at night.

Super Mom

Yea if she is really tired... helpers are human after all...

Thành viên VIP

Should be fine as long as she completes her chores.

Yes, especially if she takes care of LO at night

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if she does things nicely, I'll allow