Newborn pacifier recommendation
Im a FTM, and starting to prepare baby stuff. I know theres alot of people saying pacifier is not good for babies and to not introduce it. But those mummies that have used pacifiers on their LO, which brand is good ? The ones that won’t affect baby’s teeth growth/that wont make their teeth crooked if that makes sense. Just want to buy for standby incase i need it. #firsttimemom #advicepls

I used avent soothies! The whole thing is silicone so it’s rather safe and i will use a steam steriliser to sterilise after use. Till about 4 mths or so my baby doesn’t use pacifier anymore. Hmm it’s not really good for your baby’s teeth and it may affect speech if he continues to use it for long. I have students who still take pacifier till 4yo (gasps) and the child has some speech issue like can’t pronounce certain letters like s,l,f,p etc. so it might really affect child’s speech if use for too long. And it’s hard for them to quit it as it’s like a soothe to them. Can still use it but not rely on it eg, use pacifier to coax baby to slp, once baby slp i will remove it.
Read moreI agree with cecelia. I had quite a number of students who still bottle feed and use the paci with lack of control of saliva and speech delays even up till six years old. Pretty much because jaw gums tongue development are affected. Kkh gave us avent soothie after discharge but my baby has been rejecting since day 2. I have a few other brands on standby like nuk, pigeon but im lucky cause she doesnt like any. Just buy for standby i guess but pacifiers are generally not recommended unless specifically guided by a therapist.
Read moreMy baby doesn’t take it until around 3 months old. I feel newborn don’t really need it, pacifier doesn’t soothe him when he’s crying and he don’t have the strength to keep it in his mouth too. I’ve been issuing Philip avent, he’s 14 months now and only take when sleeping. He has 8 teeth, so far so good.
Read moreDepends on individual baby. I got a free Combi brand pacifier from mummy market seminar, bought a NUK brand too. My baby refused both brands. Tried Pigeon brand and she likes it.
I used Philips avent soothie and so far it has managed to soothe my baby from crying. Also tried pigeon but sometimes he may not like it. It depends on his mood lol.
I bough Philip Avent Soothe. Maybe you can try that brand or NUK. You can see at Kiddy Palace to see the different brand.
NUK, the size is just nice and my newborn can suck on it with ease.
Personal i feel dr brown is the best. My daughter love it
Tommee Tippee Ultra Light Silicone Soother
Pigeon is quite good in my opinion