Which is more painful?
Does a blood test hurts more than a vaccine injection? Have never done a blood test before and has phobia. Just wanna set my expectation right. Thanks 😊

I did a blood test for blood glucose today. Have to fast the night before and blood test was done in the morning. 1st they will let u drink a bottle have very sweet drink then after that they will draw blood 3 times. Each time is half hour gap . I also did vaccine on the same day. So my left elbow right forearm elbow both was use to draw blood . Vaccine was administered at Upper arm. Overall bearable . A lot of it depends on individual and also the skill of the nurse performing it.
Read moreblood test is scary i got this phobia turn bad way b4 i was preggo in 2020 admitted to cgh for anaemia but pain wise it depends on how many tubes of blood they're taking from u & for vaccine if u can tolerate the side effects of having fever etc then it wouldn't be much of a pain but if not then it'll be a pain to deal with the side effects 😅🥰
Read moreI tink both doesnt hurt for me. My veins are hard to locate (even my gynae and gp says the same). I tend to look at them drawing my blood n jabbing me 😅 when the nurses said my veins were collapsing when i was in labour n they were taking my blood, i told them its ok.. but they seem to be panicking…
Read moreIt really depends on individual. For me blood tests are more painful because my veins are quite thin and hard to locate. But it isn't a scary process for me. Just look away, take deep breathes and it'll be over before u know it. It also helps if you can eat something before the blood test.
Quite fast, from the moment they poke until remove the needle, just few seconds only, but if they need to draw more than 1 tube of blood, u might feel a bit of pain when they change the tube, cuz the needle might move slightly.
Waaaa for me definitely blood test! Vaccination was surprisingly not painful Wah but the blood test!! I turned away while the nurse insert then I was wondering how come so painful… end up I see the thickness I almost fainted 😭
if you don't flinch when you're being vaccinated then you'll be fine for blood test. I used to be anxious like you before my first blood test but it's not as scary as you think ☺️
This is veryyy subjective cos everyone’s pain tolerance differs.. for me its abt the same..
No..vaccine is painful to me than blood test..i took 3 blood test within 2 hrs

Both feels the same to me. It's just a matter of few seconds.
I find the vaccine injection more painful tbh