Conceiving after miscarriage

Hi, anyone had test done before trying after a miscarriage? I had 2 miscarriage and am contemplating whether shld i take any blood test/checks before i try again. My gynae said that 99% of the time blood test will come back ok.. Need advise. Thanks

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Different gynaes have different practices on recommending further testings after recurrent miscarriages… I was seeing 2 diff private gynaes for my last pregnancy, which ended in a mc (my 2nd time as well). Gynae A advised me and husband to go for genetic testing and miscarriage profile; while gynae B said she will only recommend couples who have 3 and more mc to go for further testings. (for context: I am 32yo this year & husband is 36, both pregnancies ended at 7wk & 10wk respectively) Anyway, I proceeded with the testings and found that I may have autoimmune disease and likely will be put on immunosuppressants for future pregnancy. in layman terms, mummy’s antibodies failed to register baby’s cells as ‘one family’ and attack them, hence fetus cannot grow. Gynae referred me to specialist who can better manage this condition. though the testings are costly, I am glad I went ahead. In my case, it sort of gives me a ‘closure’, at least now I know the underlying issue and know there is somewhere to start/target for my next pregnancy. On the other hand if the results are all good, it is a happy news and gives u a peace of mind:)

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2y trước

thank you for taking the time to share these infor with me. tbh, im really lost, and I'm hoping that the MC happened was just a one - twice off thing. probably at this point of time going for tests is the best and furthest i can get to knowing my fertility health. It's better than to get pregnant again without knowing the risks. I really appreciate your kind effort to step up and share on this platform with me. It has been a long and lonely journey all these while. thankful to have this platform that comforts at times like this. one day we will have our own rainbow baby too 🌈

I only went for fertility check before I had my first born and all was well then, my husband too. But unfortunately 2 years later I had 2 miscarriages (last was in Nov) but didn't go for any tests aft tt. My gynae told me it's not necessary, just keep up with a balance diet. I started taking prenatal vitamins regularly and fortunately conceived again in March. This time round I went to my gynae earlier and he gave me Duphaston to strengthen the pregnancy. Baby is developing well and now in my 2nd trimester.

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2y trước

thanks for sharing! and congratulations, too! may i know if the prenatal vitamin isit referring to folic acid? thanks :)

Hi dear! I had 2 miscarriage before successfully conceiving and giving birth earlier this year. Personally I didn’t go for more tests but I did see a TCM which I think helps :)

2y trước

thanks for sharing!:))

whether there's any miscarriage, it's always advisable to checkup before preparing for pregnancy. This is to ensure our body is ready to conceive

Mostly gynae will recommend testing only if there has been 3 or more misscarriages

2y trước

yes, thats exactly what my gynae says too!