Early pregnancy symptoms

Does anyone have much symptoms around late week 6 close to week 7? I only feel bloating and the occasional nausea which doesn’t always happen. It’s worrying me to feel so normal. The fatigue is also not much

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During 1st tri and 2nd tri you will feel bloatiness, nausea and fatigue too. To me is normal lah. Cause my 2 preg also like that. Come again, every pregnancy is different.

4y trước


Super Mom

Feeling normal is quite a blessing:) I had symptoms even before my pregnancy test was positive. That was terrible. Lol

Influencer của TAP

Me too, don't u think NO symptoms is good🤔 My colleagues do not knows I'm pregnant at all, eat walk work as per normal

4y trước

Don't worry, mummies must be happy. Happy mummy happy baby

Yes it is normal and also the symptoms differ from person to person

Sometimes the symptoms will come later for some people

Thành viên VIP

It’s okay, it differs differently for individuals

yeap...everyone is different

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yes normal