
Does anyone have issues with parents-in-law? My LO (currently 5 months old) is taken care by my MIL when me and hubby is at work. My MIL used to be a babysitter so she’s quite good at babies. However, she got her own set of pantangs and way of educating the child, which is very different from me. I don’t believe in pantangs at all. She doesn’t believe in what We say when we explain to her. For example, there was once baby did not poo for a week, she got so ganchiong and kept calling over the weekend telling us to try this try that. We already explained to her nicely that this is normal for BF babies but her mindset is stuck with need to poo Everyday blablabla. This is just one example. Another example is, she kept saying baby should start on solids now. Me and my husband’s take is to follow baby’s cues, we don’t have a definite to start solids at 4 months or 6 months. We did try a little puree but feel that baby is not yet ready for it. But MIL keep saying that should start alr. So irritating? Sometimes, this really irritates me and I want to send my baby to infant care instead. Is like, why must I explain what I’m doing to her and why she keep giving suggestions that I don’t want to hear. I have my own style in doing things and parenting. But my hubby refuses as infant care is expensive and he thinks it’ll be better for baby to be under grandma’s care. I do agree with him but I think it’s only for my sanity. ? Does anyone has similar experience?

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Bcoz these old ppl think they eat salt more den we eat rice! As they have raise their children up and they are so big now.. And they only believe they are always rite. But they dont know that their salt have long expired!! I also having issue with my inlaws bcoz of this covid19. They say i am selfish for not letting my son visit them. They themselves are the selfish 1 that put my son's life at risk! As an adult, parent and grandparents they should encourage their children n grandchildren not to go out. But they are not. These stubborn old ppl brain are full of expired salt.. haix...

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My in laws encouraged us not to go out but they are out almost everyday and visited us and even carried my baby without washing hands.