Change HA formula

Doctor ask me change to HA milk bcs my baby hv blood in the stool. But after change my baby only pass motion 1 day 1 time, green colour and very smell. Thats normal??

Change HA formula
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Same. My baby drinks Nan HA and stool is watery, green and smelly. Normal if your baby drinks HA milk. My baby also always fart too. Currently she's 9 months still drinking HA. Not to worry.

3y trước

Hmm.. I'm really unsure about that. Maybe you can check with the doctor if your baby have check up at poly, or if you are really worried can bring to GP. For me as long as baby have no issues like keep crying or stomach bloated or any unusual symptoms then i will be concern. Or else i'll monitor first for a few days. I can't be sure because every situation is diff. I hope everything will be ok soon mummy.