12 Replies

Many parents here recommend the flavoured cod liver oil supplement. You can try this of course. But if you want something natural, how about cooking salmon for your lo? It's rich in Omega 3. Flaxseeds, rapeseed oil, olive oil, and nuts are also great sources of Omega 3. You can add a few drops of these oil in to your lo's milk or juice or sprinkle some flaxseed in to his/ her food. Flaxseed is rich in Omega 3 as well as in fiber. You can perhaps bake bread or cakes with nuts for your kids too. Or for their snacks, try nuts and raisins. :-) Yumm :-)

Cod liver oil is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids, a great contributor to brain development. My vegan friend uses non animal based alternatives that are rich with these omega 3 fatty acids like rapeseed, or canola oil, flaxseed oil, and soybean oil in her cooking. Walnuts, pecans and pistachios are another source of omega-3 fatty acids. She would grind these nuts and sprinkle them over her toddlers cereal etc.

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i give both my boys Scotts Emulsion original. Both ok..but sometimes they refuse..so I'll say if u take this I give u vit C gummy bears and this works for me. if because of the smell...u can try giving chewable tyoe or liquid tyoe (Nordic) and add into the food or drink. Hope it helps=)

I give my children Scotts Emulsion Original. Y not try the Scotts Emulsion orange taste. If all fails, then you can opt for those vitamin chewable tablets (orange taste). There are many types in the market, read the labels and check reviews on the product. Encourage your toddler to try.

MY friend found it effective in strengthening her child's immune system. She gives her boy Scotts Emulsion Original and did not have any issue with the taste. I think you can try adding it to milk, honey or syrup for your child.

I bought Nordic Natural brand supposedly to be quite pure and smell v fishy too. She didn't like it and almost wanna throw up. We mix it into her porridge and I think the smell is not tt strong anymore n she was ok with it.

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Hi , what abt trying the orange favour cod liver oil? It works for my toddler :) otherwise , u can try the seven seas cod liver oil, reviews mentioned not of strong fishy taste .

My PD gave my baby an orange tuna liver oil but not the Scotts brand. It's less fishy smell compared to the cod, don't know how effective though as my baby is only 10mo.

I gave my girls the orange flavour & it really helps in improving immunity . Has to take it very consistently , cannot missed a dose

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