24 Replies

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Yes, for both of my pregnancies. 1st one delivered exactly on the day of EDD and 2nd one 3 days before EDD.

Melissa'a edd is so accurate! My baby is exactly 2 months younger born on 3 July 2015. My edd was 7 July.

My EDD was on the 23rd, that's when my water started leaking and I gave birth on the 25th

VIP Member

#1 induced on edd, ended up with emergency csect. #2 delivered at 39 weeks

My EDD was on the 03 May 2015 and I gave birth on the day itself :)

My edd was 10 October I gave birth on the same date

VIP Member

I gave birth 3 days before my EDD, so I'd say it's pretty accurate.

Yes I did. I had 3 EDD dates and the first date worked
