Gestational Diabetes

Did anyone actually ignore the dietician when you found out that you have marginal gestational diabetes? Sometimes I feel like giving up on my diet because I just want to eat normal for my baby. And only occasionally my sugar level will spike to 7.3 after eating a bowl of fish soup noodles for lunch then it comes back normal about 4.5-5.5 before my dinner. Haiz, I felt this whole blood test is just wasting my time & making me worry. But does ur baby weight grow big and normal?

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I didnt ignore because i do not wish to affect the baby as much as possible. I cut rice mainly because i spike as well even if i were to take brown rice. But i am already used to it (alr been like coming 8 wks since i prick). I still feel like i am eating like a human now. I have readings that exceed the range but i am only seeing my endo doc tis sat to do the mthly avg test. To me i rather not risk n ignore. Just try to control as much as i can as long as i am full. I do have cravings and would just take a bite of tings like prata etc. The prob probably lies with the noodle. I was told to take red/brown beehoon. But i have never tried red even thou i took some from my sis. 😂 jiayou!

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I ignored but then my gynae damn naggy ah so i succumbed and prick and chart my glucose only at 35 week checkup onwards 😂 now 37 weeks and still borderline only and baby is growing appropriately unlike what they worry which is a big baby.

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It may be marginal now bt it may be fully turn into GD if u nvr control your diet.. just try your best ok