Why people don't give up their seat on train?
Despite baby bump, people can just look at you so innocently and using their phone

Unfortunately these days (especially in Singapore), it’s like that. When I was pregnant till after I give birth and had to take public transport with baby in carrier, it’s always the elderly who gave up their seats and insisted that I sit. Sometimes I felt bad cause I feel that they needed the seat more than me but they will insist, yet youngsters seating right beside (priority seats) don’t offer. But then again, we may never know if anyone is ill or maybe they needed the seat to rest and…. they did paid the fare so they are entitled to the seats.. I never dared to ask for a seat while pregnant cause I scared people scold me 😅. However I’m thankful and grateful to those elderly that offered me seats thru out my preggo journey. IMO, if you really feel unwell and need a seat, just ask nicely 😊.
Read moreit doesn't really matter for me. An elderly gave up her seat to me in a crowded bus while I'm 4mo preg with my 3.5yo. I insisted that she sit while I get my girl to sit beside her (empty seat) while I stand and hold on to the handrail. If I'm really unwell I will tap on the shoulders one by one to ask if they are okay to give up their seat because I'm really unwell. not everyone is considerate, but I believe there will be kind soul amidst the black sheep somehow..
Read moreOnce at Week 30 I got on a train and no one gave up their seat then at the next stop when a new seat far from me became vacant a woman who was standing next to the seat blocked the seat and asked me to use that seat. That day I realized that people are different. Some really want to help and some opt to just ignore. I have stood with my belly many times, one time almost 1 hour. Some people just don't see it.
Read moreOur civil mindedness is low here although I’ve met many kind souls who offered their seat to me. The many excuse is because the person doesn’t know if that’s a bump or fat.. which I guess can be offending if the person is offered is not pregnant. Just ask for the seat. I tried before when pregnant and usually people will give despite acting blur.
Read moreI encountered this when I was pregnant before and I can totally feel you! Sometimes it also depends on the timing you take the train like peak hours and non peak. And the colour of the line as well. My experience in mrt so far there will be people giving up their seat for me. As for the bus, I always have a hard time getting a seat previously.
Read moreYa, this is unfortunately very common. I hate taking the train when pregnant. People are nicer in the bus, compared to people in the train. Some even stare at you up and down, trying to figure out if you're pregnant or not. But they still won't stand. I guess they expect us preggies to voice out. 🤷♀️
Read morei was heavily pregnant, 9 months yet no one gave their seat. they will just pretend to look at their handphone. EVEN HAD A COUPLE LOOK AT ME FINDING SEAT WHEN I LOOK BACK AT THEM THEY JUST PRETEND TO SLEEP. i have to hang on to my husband as i always get dizzy when i stand to long.
ya right. nowadays ppl can even ask preggy give up their seat. but thankfully thru out my pregnant period, there is always ppl(Indian or malay usually) give up their seat or ask ppl to give up their seat for me. 🙏🙏I dare not to ask for seat myself.
This is common. People tend to be on their phone. Understand as they might not be aware there’s a pregnant lady around, but normally people still will give up their seat when they see me heavily pregnant. Sometimes I just avoid taking the train.
ikr, everyday i take mrt 40min. no ppl offer seat. even they dont see hp or pretend sleep. they just dont care preg women. my fren ask me to open mouth n ask them give the seat. i feel pai seh. but they have thicker face skin then me :(