Inconsiderate commuter
Currently I am in week 25 and my tummy is significantly obvious to be identify as pregnant. Honestly, I am not self entitled expecting people to give up their seat in mrt to me. (In fact I prefer to stand instead lah) But i get very annoyed when I am being squeeze into crowded train and happen to be standing infront of the reserved seat. This auntie (around mid 40) who was sitting on the reserve seat got the cheek to pretend never notice me and just continue to watch her video! Is it just me being sensitive or people are just so inconsiderate?? Anyone encounter same situation as me?

When I was pregnant and working back then, my work requires me to stand for 8 hrs straight, I expected commuters to be kind enough to give up their seat to me when they saw me with my bump but fat hope. It was always a rush hour back home & packed like sardine so I know I won't get a seat and will just stand near the door so I can easily squeeze my way out when it's my stop. There was 1 time when my bump was super big, I was too late for work, I ran after the train and the door closed on me kena my bump. It was super painful then I decided that that's it and I need to do something about it. So I changed my daily commute from MRT to bus instead although it was a longer journey and I have to climb the long stairs and walk a long walk to NUH where I was working. And I have to also walk a long walk to go back home from NUH to NUS cos only there the bus I take is at. And taking the bus was such a breeze because the people are always so kind to give up their seat to me. There was also a time I ran after the bus with my big bump when some people saw me and told the driver to stop for me. When my hubs is not working, he will fetch me home cos there was many times that I cried and told him I am too tired to walk home (if i take mrt have to walk about 10-15 mins to reach home, if by bus, just a couple of minutes) or when I'm being super exhausted, I'll just take the cab home eventhough it was really expensive during the rush hours but no choice lah. I was too exhausted and too heavy to walk.
Read moreFew years back, My friend who got baby face (she looked like she’s in early 20s, however she’s in her late 20s and her clothing style also looks like uni student) was pregnant and sitting in mrt reserved seat. Her baby bump isn’t really showing, and there’s another pregnant lady standing in front of her waiting for her to give up her seat. She din asked or say anything but literally bumping and pressing her with her big pregnant belly. What annoyed me more is when the mrt got a bit bumpy, she deliberately press her belly against my friend’s face. My friend was so annoyed that she decided to stay still and not telling her that she was pregnant as well. To make things worse, another passenger get up at the next stop, the seat was empty but this pregnant lady does not want to seat on the empty seat and still aiming at the reserve seat. I was like.. wth.. If only they communicate then this weird situation could be avoided. For her next mrt ride, to avoid being victimised, my friend wore the pregnancy sticker so she could tell ppl that she’s pregnant, however some ppl still din give up their seat for her (probably they thought that the sticker was fake...) Moral of the story: life is not easy also when your baby bump is not showing.
Read moreBack when I was pregnant I worked 12hour retail shift my bump was barely showing even up till birth but one day when I was travelling home I was on the train sitting on a NORMAL seat, this elderly man boarded the train on the next stop n did not appear to want a seat, he went to the door n leaned on it. A few people offered their seats but he said its only 2 stops n its easier for him to stand. Suddenly this girl probably 15/16? Came over to me n told me to stand up n give the uncle my seat when there was a young boy probably 14 since he was wearing uniform, sitting on the reserved seat. I told her I am pregnant n she said it doesnt matter as long as I dont look pregnant I should give my seat??? The uncle then scolded her n said that he doesnt want to sit n she should mind her own business, she then came n argued with me about having to give up my seat n so I pulled out my KKH booklet n told her “go f*** yourself” she called her mother n cried. Before she got off the train she “scolded” the uncle saying that he’s ungrateful 🤦🏻♀️
Read moreYes I know right?? Like who taught this girl her manners??
When I was at Week 20, this woman in her late twenties tried to fight me for an empty seat on the mrt. My bump was already showing then, so she can definitely tell I'm pregnant. I got the seat since I was just standing just in front of it, while she had to run from a distance, carrying a laptop bag and on high heels. She had the nerve to show me the finger and a nasty look before walking away. So yeah, there are quite a lot of these ugly, self-entitled people around. I tell myself that I will teach my kid so that she will never be like them. I don't think it is being self-entitled to expect people to give up their seats to thosw who need it. And I think it doesn't hurt to be a bit more thick skinned to ask for a seat, if you really need it. If you really feel tired, ask directly if you can have the reserved seat. They cannot pretend further when you ask like that. I ever did that and the people on the seats beside also offered me their seats. Sometimes people are also too absorbed with their phones in their faces and all.
Read moreYes maybe next time i must be thick skin and be upfront to ask for a seat if i really needed :(
I’m very sorry to hear that mommy but for me i don’t really encountered much inconsiderate people and people do ask me if I Wan to have a seat. But I would usually reject it if that reserved seat is taken by a very senior citizen. But I made sure I hold tightly on the pole and people would give me some space or distance to make sure they don’t bump into me when the train stops. So I’m just saying some are still quite thoughtful just the handful of them that really don’t put themselves into other’s shoes.
Read moreJust happened to me few weeks back when I took MRT. My baby bump isn’t that obvious yet but can still see if I wear maternity dress. The people inside MRT sadly never gave their seat to me(although I wear maternity dress). That time I told myself maybe because my bump not that obvious yet. sometimes people just so ignorant while they sit, they just pretend sleep or busy play phone & purposely don’t want to see their surroundings so they no need to give up their seat. 🙁
Read moreIm also in the same situation, im not slim but my 24th weeks baby bump was super obvious is baby bump instead of fat. And happened to me several times in MRT, group of youngsters 17-20s male sit on the reserved seats + common seats n i was standing infront of them for from chinatown until sengkang. None of them gv up their seat to me. It was quite a long awkward journey 😔😔
Read morewow that's very bad. Kids these days. haiz.
I got emotional about this every single time. I went back home actually crying to my husband as i was out alone for my 39 weeks check ups. I was having cold sweats and light headache at that time when i board the train and no one actually stood up.. probably because they think that I’m young and thus “young ppl have much energy.”
Read moreIt happened to my wife too when she was pregnant. Some commuters (neither elderly nor pregnant) even fought seat with her by pushing her aside while when was walking to the seat. In fact, regardless reserved seat or not, commuters should give up seat to the needy but sad to say is uncommon.
Yes actually quite sad to see how ugle commuters are. Totally disregarded the fact that seat should be given to people who need it most. Haix.
Through my first pregnancy I think I only got the seat 10% of the time even when my bump was really obvious, so yeah I get you. It's sad but we need to live with it I guess. Second pregnancy I just take grab most of the time, can't risk both the pandemic and being pushed around 😅.