19 Replies

My mum always remind me to make sure those towels that you used to clean baby face or during shower are clean too. Do not reuse towel that was used to clean baby's milk (during or after feeding) to clean baby face as there might milk particles that will affect baby face too.

It’s very normal , use the herbal bath for babies and it will go away . Do note that the rash will come and go from time to time , highlight this to your PD so they will note this down and advise you accordingly .

its normal for babies bcs the skin is adjusting to the environment .no need to put any cream as it will heal by itself but if you feel bother about it can also ask for moisturizer with your doc


It's normal. My baby got them when I'm bf during confinement month. It's said that cos the food we took very heaty that's why baby will become like that. It goes away after 5 weeks.

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Baby acne. My girl had it too, and I panicked and rushed to the hospital because it happened overnight. Thank god it’s nothing life threatening

My baby also had such rashes ..we used the baby herbal bath from eu yang san to bathe him n it go better

Hi, It is normal as it can be milk rashes but just to be double sure please check with your PD as well

Normal. Try to wipe with luked boil water and apply physiogel A.I (tube) it works wonder for my son.

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It's normal. If baby feels uncomfortable then bring her to see a pediatrician

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Maybe be sensitive. There’s cream and moisturiser for it. I use Cerandan

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