Dear mummies, Please feel free to join if you're a ftm or going to be a ftm. This is a platform where we as ftm learn and support one another as we go through this difficult yet beautiful journey! This platform also reminds you that you are not alone!! I am also a preschool and used to be a infant care teacher hence I can give advice through my own knowledge in this field if possible. Let's learn from one another! https://chat.whatsapp.com/HIp51TjZiSY5TJXHoozSoF

12 Replies
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Hello! Can’t seem to join the chat too! But thanks for setting up one!

3y trước

Can try again:)

Hello! Would like to join too but encountered the same issue as others.

3y trước

Sorry it still doesn’t work for me either :(

hi i cant join either. it says that i doesnt have whatsapp haha 😅

3y trước

still couldnt join

Hi your link doesn't work. It said could not join group.

Heyy there, can’t seem to join 😔

Sorry can share invite link? I can’t join

3y trước

Reset the link

Hihi I can’t seem to join either 🤔

3y trước

Just reset the link

same here, cannot join too😅

The link got issued can’t join in

3y trước

Still cannot join the WhatsApp group

Yeah same thing can’t join

3y trước

Reedited the link!