To give pacifier or not

Currently my lo is 5mths old, he have a habit of sucking his hands in order for him to sleep. If we take out his hand he will keep crying non stop, even at home we carry him or shake in cradle don’t works anymore. During daytime we put him in infant care the teacher told us he can’t sleep well during his nap time. Like avg sleep 15-30mins or maybe longest is 1hr. (But he can sleep 8-10hrs at night) so the teacher suggest us to give him pacifier. Because she told us in future sucking hands is harder to cut off than sucking pacifier. For the past 5mths we have been persist not to give pacifier and this time it seem like we have no other choice but to give pacifier. Anyone encounter similar problem? Or how do you deal with it? Thanks in advance. #1stimemom #firstbaby

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it’s true. pacifier works wonders, and it’s easy to cut off eventually. trust me