38 weeks and not dilated
Currently 38+2 weeks and not dilated at all, cervix still closed and high, might have to go for csect. Anyone experienced this and suddenly start dilating on it's own in 39 or 40 weeks? Should I wait or just opt for csect? FTM here btw.

Congratulations for reaching the last lap of your pregnancy. I am currently pregnant with my second one and I gave birth to my first one at 40weeks. However I was not dilated at all, my cervix was not ‘ripe’ and I listened to the doctor and had myself induced. Fail induction after 18hours with only 3cm dilated. Resulted in emergency csec. Now with my second pregnancy, I got myself educated, joined mommy groups , talked to these mommies and experienced doulas and seeked medical advice about my second pregnancy. Let me tell you, majority said, “when your body and baby is ready, it will do its job and deliver.” Now that there are so many medical instruments to check on your baby’s health and yours as well, from a mother to another mother to be, trust your body and let it do it’s job. Medical interventions (eg, membrane sweep, rupturing of membrane, breaking of waterbag, induction, balloon, etc.) should only be performed when either you or your baby is in distress or is in danger. So trust your body, it will provide a safe passage for your baby’s birth. All the best, I hope it all goes well for you ❤️
Read moreI checked in myself at 40 weeks and listen to doctor advise to induce as I was older age and has Gestational diabetes. Induced once via insertion and another time via drip. It was painful until I had to go for epidural for 24 hours and my cervix is still not open. End up 1day and 3 hours later, went for c-sec. Would advise more exercise if you still want to go for natural. Or follow the ladies advice wait for baby cue to come out. Dont suffer twice for both natural and csec end up pain trauma…
Read moreHello! I just gave birth. At 39weeks6days i wasnt dilated at all. Induced me twice, walked aroun, pray for smooth delivery, drink lots of coconut water, and finally 3cm. From 5pm-12am the contraction was so bad that i had to do epidural. Couldnt withstand the pain. At 830am, im 10cm dilated. Gave birth 1day late, natural vagina delivery. Push from 845am-919am.
Read moreCongrats!!!! Thanks for the encouragement, I hope I don't have to go through csect too. Wish you speedy recovery!
I was induced on wk 40 with high cervix too. Gynae didn't check my dilation prior at all. He just said induce on due date if nothing is happening 😂 So I induce and manage to deliver natural birth after 24 hours. Tiring but glad gynae didn't ask for csec.
Thanks! I might wanna consider inducing too then
have been induced at 40w2d and gave birth via csect due to failed induction. if i were to change a thing, i would have just waited for my bb's cue. if all is well with you and your bb, it's better to let nature take its course. take care!
Hi babe, you might want to seek for 2nd gynae opinion? i delivered my boys mostly after 40weeks, naturally. Have u also try climb up stairs, walk around n do some simple exercise that will help will cervix dilation?
Yes, starting to walk more and doing some simple squats at home. Hope it'll help.
first pregnancy, just delivered.. at week38 outer cervix open inner cervix still close and high. week39 3cm dilated. wanted to induce but contractions came on the same day. baby out next day!
Up to your comfort but if its me, i wun opt for csec. My gynae didnt check for dilation. I gave birth at 39w6d but admitted to hosp at 39w5d
Go for 2nd opinion ba.
I was only 1 cm dilated at week 40D3, had to be induced as my fluid was low. If all is well, I’d suggest you to wait for bb’s cue 😃
6 hours.
If you don’t have complications, hv sex regularly.. it helps I heard.