Belly button

Just curious. When does our belly button start popping out? I’m week 15 now and my belly button is starting to protrude out.

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Mine didn't pop out at all. There's a saying if girl won't pop out if boy it will. Out of my 10 mummies this applies to 8 of us. See how true is yours haha

It depend how much your body can stretch. Some slim women, body skin have stretch to their max soon the belly botton pop out.

Thành viên VIP

For me it starts 2nd trimester when sudden stretch of the belly when baby is growing pretty rapidly on second trim

Super Mom

Mine popped out for girl.. but not for boy.. haha Only when I'm 36 weeks.. cuz stomach is getting bigger

Thành viên VIP

Actually it depends on the size of your baby you're carrying and how fast your belly grows.

Super Mom

Everybody is individual. My 1st pregnancy (girl) did not pop. 2nd pregnancy (boy) yes.

Everyone is different. I am 35weeks & my belly button is hidden.

Thành viên VIP

Every pregnancy is unique. Usually between 13 to 23 weeks

Thành viên VIP

35 weeks and belly button still not popped out :)

I’m Week 36 and belly button doesn’t pop out