oscar test result low risk 35yrs old and above
Just curious if there are any mummies here who are older than 35 and have gotten a low risk OSCAR test? It is always high risk test results for mummies who are above 35 years old? Thanks.

I'm 35, low risk. Age is one of the factors to being at higher risk of birth defects, which is why we are asked to do the test (it's just some percentage more tho not like the majority of us would expect to have issues with the baby). I would think the false positive rate is same for all age ranges as it's the same test procedure, it's just more people above 35 take the test so you may hear more stories from this age group)
Read moremy oscar was 1:10.. and guess what.. I was only 18 years old at that point of time. 🥲 not all 35 years and above will get high risk, although maternal age is one of the component in calculating risk but they also look into blood sample. There are two component to find in blood test to see if they are high as most DS cases show high amount in the mother’s blood. But I can’t remember the name or terms of those components.
Read moreI'm 40yo.. low risk OSCAR result.. didn't proceed with Harmony or its relevant test.. I too was concern even though low risk.. wanted to take more test.. in the end I didn't proceed.. now 18+weeks.. 😊
I am pregnant with my first child, i am 39 years old and just approached my 2nd trimester. my FTS screening all came out as low risk... 🙂🙂
That's awesome! Congrats! Did you do Oscar test or just NIPT?
i was pregnant at 40 & 42 my both baby is healthy I did NIPT at week 11 only I don't agree 35 above is high risk
Read morethank you for the assurance! I'm 39 and pregnant with my first now, so everything worries me.
35 ⬆️ is NOT necessarily high risk
mine was low risk 😊
Low risk is good news!
I did few months ago and I’m 35. Blood test show high risk.. 1:291… the ultrasound scan shows normal for the nose bridge and the neck lining. We didn’t want to take any further testing. We just leave it as it is and continue to be positive:)