Stomach shrink back without binder

Any csect mum did not wear binder post partum or during confinement but stomach shrink back. I went thru csect last 3 weeks and my stomach is like 4 months preggy and saggy, i have stopped wearing binder after a week as its too unconfortable and i have yet to start my postnatal massage. Will my stomach shrink back anytime soon.

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It will shrink back as long u look after your diet as well! My tip as a c sec mum, once u start ur postnatal massage, start using the binder again. Hold it for a couple of hours then take it out when u wanna go to bed. I did that every single day up until today, my son is at 9 months and it works well! Also, dnt stress out mummy! This is normal for all pregnancy women! Once ur doctor let u to start exercising, start SLOW like go for a breeze walk! Dont ever push urself, dont ever make urself feel s***, dont bother what people say about u! ❤️❤️❤️

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