Milk Intake ?
Is cow milk ( HL milk ) better than toddler formula milk ? #advicepls

Hi mama! Congratulations on the milestone! I’m all for mothers making informed choices and the facts show that there isn’t enough research to prove that formula has adequate nutrients or sufficient needs of baby because a baby’s nutritional needs varies from day to day, week to week. There is a history behind why and how cow’s milk was used to supplement feeding baby - animals were used as wet nurses. This proved to be better because mothers who had no access to clean water would then not contaminate the milk. Do look it up when you can. It’s really interesting :)
Read moreIt is better to drink fresh milk as formula milk are more filling and toddlers might eat lesser food. Their main source of food comes from food and not milk anymore. However, not recommended for toddler to drink HL milk. Farmhouse, Meiji OK.
Toddler milk is technically cow’s milk with added nutrients. If your LO is eating well, there’s no issue switching to full cream cow’s milk. Any nutrients added to toddler milk can be absorbed from the food your LO eats.
Formula milk has a lot of unnecessary stuff added like sugar to make it more appealing for toddlers too. As toddlers should focus on eating a balanced diet, fresh milk should be sufficient.
Paediatricians recommend that toddlers past 12 months should switch to cow’s milk. However, whole milk is preferred, and HL is not whole milk. Try Meiji, Farmhouse or Arla.
it's personal preference I think formula definitely much better than fresh milk. it had nutrients that fresh milk don't have
Formula milk is better as it has added nutrients that fresh milk doesn’t.
It is really personal preference but I would suggest cow milk
Personal preference but I think formula is better
Formula milk as it has added nutrients