
Confession: I am a dl sahm mum, sometimes I am so tired that i tend to lose my temper alittle on my baby at times :( I feel so lousy and bad and guilty thereafter. What should i do? It is really horrible losing temper at such an innocent being. I cant rest because there is no one to take over my motherly duties and I have to cover all my other chores when my baby is asleep. Cant afford a maid or part time cleaner as I am not working currently. Oh my, I really feel bad. I am a lousy mother. :(

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I understand how you feel. I am a DL SAHM with 3 young ones, eldest being almost 4.5yo. I feel tired all the time too, as I don't ever get a break away from them or rest and I have been the one handling the kids at night all alone. Its worst when all 3 are sick and I have sleepless nights. I get frustrated cos I can't cook and clean as well as before. I feel that a supportive husband is important. My husband used to cook for us dinner on weekdays after work, he would also cook extra for our lunch the next day. On weekends, he cooks breakfast and sometimes dinner too while I cook lunch or he would bring us out for lunch and/or dinner. He helped to at least wash all the dishes too. But since he changed his job, he only cooks dinner when I am sick or once a month or fortnighly as he see me tired. He cooks weekend breakfast once in a blue moon. & he stopped helping me to wash the dishes so my sink is always full all the time. I try not to complain so much as I know his work is tiring too but I see myself as unproductive. My sink is always full, I take almost a week to finish hanging all the laundry (what with the rainy weather), I can't cook meals on time, house is always in a mess, I can't find peaceful time to fold the clothes and arrange them nicely in the wardrobe without the baby messing it up, I can't spring clean too. I mop my floor once a month or two, I wash my toilet once a week. If only husband able to share a little bit of the load at home, I would be more than grateful.

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