
Confession: I am a dl sahm mum, sometimes I am so tired that i tend to lose my temper alittle on my baby at times :( I feel so lousy and bad and guilty thereafter. What should i do? It is really horrible losing temper at such an innocent being. I cant rest because there is no one to take over my motherly duties and I have to cover all my other chores when my baby is asleep. Cant afford a maid or part time cleaner as I am not working currently. Oh my, I really feel bad. I am a lousy mother. :(

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Hugs ! I used to be an EP sahm and gave up EP after feeling so tired everyday. Nw it's either I warm up fbm (whatever I have left in the freezer) or give fm. sometimes we have to give up certain things in order to maintain our sanity. Always rmb, Baby doesn't know how to talk yet and the only way to 'talk' is thru crying. try to decode the cries and see what she wants.

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