Child's sleeping schedule

Tell us if your child has a fixed sleeping schedule.

Child's sleeping schedule
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trained since nb, now 3months old. plus minus max 1hr from scheduled time. bedtime 8pm,wake up at 7-8am. every playtime set to 1hr then nap. 3months old still alot of naps for her 😅

4y trước

How did you do it? Bedtime 8pm and wakeup ay 7-8am? She naps in the morning?

Yes. Since bb till now almost 17 mths. Super accurate timing like alarm clock... 10am nap an hour. 3.15pm nap another 1.5hour. 9.30pm off to bed till 6.30 or7am

4y trước

Mine take about 3-4 naps in between 10am to 6pm , is that ok?

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Yes for night sleep. Always in bed by 715pm. For naps, it all depends on what time she wakes up in the morning.

Influencer của TAP

2.5yrs nap for 1 to 2hrs @ 1pm. And night time I will make sure he goes to bed about 8 plus to 9..

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Used to but NOW NAAAHHHH (It depends on her mood & energy level)

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Plus minus 1h.. Hard to make him sleep earlier as he grows 🙄

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Yes, he created the sleeping schedule himself 😄👍

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Been trying! Not successful yet but will get there.

Influencer của TAP

We try but it doesn't work all the time haha

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yes. he created a sleeping schedule