Baby Sleeping Schedule

Does a 3 months old baby have a sleeping schedule? Like sleeping and waking up at the same time? Or do they still wake up every 2 to 3 hours for milk?

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My girl doesn’t have a schedule in the day. But for night, her last feed is 11pm, and she will wake up at 6am for the next feed

No schedule at all. They sleep whenever they want. My baby sleeps at 8pm and wake up at 4am for milk and sleep again until 8am

4y trước

Ohh okay. Thanks for the reply.

Super Mom

My 3 mo baby can sometimes wake up 2-4 hours or sleep throughout the whole night

Super Mom

Best not let baby sleep closer to evening. So that night time can sleep longer

Super Mom

Mine has. She will sleep from around 9pm to 9am with feeding around 5am

4y trước

Oh okay thanks for the reply.

Super Mom

Maybe too early for schedule. Suggest to wait till 6 months.

Super Mom

I started a schedule when child was 8 weeks

Wakinh up 2-3 hours for milk