4 Replies

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Bus driver dont open ramps for strollers honestly. Its meant for wheelchair users. I changed my pram to a light weight babyjogger to manage pushing the pram up the back door of the bus with baby and while carrying bags also. Also do take note that the bus might stop abit too far from the bustop so sometimes I carry baby with stroller and hurt my core. I avoid stroller as much as i can and carry on baby carrier but that one forever spine pain haha. And no way we can manage with baby and bag and folding stroller huh. Currently i baby wear and take the bus and train toward destination, then taxi home to ease the pains. Likewise with stroller but tougher because stroller on taxi is super leceh due to holding baby while folding into boot. But choose ur battles 😕

yea the struggle of holding onto baby throughout.. i only get to put her down around six months when she can stably sit. so short bursts on a chair but i hold her kind. sometimes i bring the diaper change mat if theres a bench to put baby for a min but yea theres nothing else unless stroller or u go out with someone

you can carry pram while baby is inside up the bus from the back door. usually bus drivers will open for you once you signal to them. just need a few seconds of heavy lifting up the bus, no issues one. sometimes passengers who are kind will help you lift too! dont worry so far most of my bus rides, 90% some kind hearted soul will help me carry up or down! but do note that during peak hours, you wont be able to get up the bus unless you can fold the pram.

Just open the ramp yourself. And remember to close it later. The protocol to open the ramp for wheelchair users is likely because they can't do it themselves. I've seen many mummies open the ramp to push stroller up and the bus captain never say anything, so I think this is okay.


easier now tt buses allow open prams up

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