Baby to visit cemetery

Will you bring your 14 months old baby to pay visit at the cemetery?

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please dont... sometime back when my baby was about 10mth old, I accidently took the wrong bus and we had a 'tour' cemeteries after cemeteries at lim chu kang ( bus 975, and it even stopped for like what seemed forever 5min before it turned back) ... believe it or not my baby was very unsettled from evening onwards .. kept crying and by midnite he developed high fever and continued to be unsettled for the next 2 days. you may want to say im being superstitious or what, but i secretly pluck the pomegranate leaves from my neighbour , add into a small pail of water and wipe him from head to toe .. miraculously he calmed down after about 30min later and left with the fever ... believe it or not ... 😰

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If you're pantang, you may consider to use 'xia liu ki' to bathe your baby once you're back home. But for me, I will not bring my baby near places with negative energy. Just to prevent any night cryings which I've heard so much from the older generations

No don't bring. My family brought me there when I was a kid around 4 - 5 years old. They said I told them I'm saw a lady nearby when there's no one there. Ever since, they stopped bringing me to cemetery till i am much older.

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No. Actually my MIL excuse me from the visits since I was pregnant. Up till now when my boy 3yo still haven’t been there. Also because of all the smoke and ashes which can be unhealthy for the baby

No.. please no., don’t bring your baby goes to cemetety because they might see something we don’t .. my baby was crying non stop like see something in cemetery and fever after that

I will not. I ever brought to a temple just for a simple deceased relative ceremony. My child came back with a fever and was super cranky. I won't even dare to bring to a cemetery

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Me myself already dun dare to go to cemetery so ofcouse NOPE for my baby coz maybe I AM A BIG FAN OF POPULAR AUTOR RUSSEL LEE FM young so BETTER NOT

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No I would not. Kids are so impressionable, I don’t know what he’s absorbing at any point. I rather expose him to this at a slightly older age

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Actually,it's not the best to bring the kids or newborn child in the cemetery.but if theres a tendency situation it can't be help it.