Between you and your partner, who's more likely to be first to apologize after a fight?

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Oddly enough, my partner and I discuss things to death when we disagree and somehow negotiate a solution that we can both accept (not always be happy with - but accept for the sake of the other). But we both take turns in being the one to initiate peace.

I apologize first and try to cool down the situation so that we can bring out solutions. At times even if I am not wrong but still apologize first because atlast she is my partner to whom I love and hence I forgive all her mistakes.

Normally we don't apologize after the fight, we do try to cool down and start conversing in all random things but the topic of fight. There is hope that someone will apologize but time and weak memories take care of that with us :)

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I apologise first usually because when we do argue (thankfully not so much anymore), no matter who started it, I can get quite intense and say really mean things thus escalating the argument further.

Well I guess it really depends on what the argument was about, and the mood etc... But more often than not I'm the one who would give in and apologise first.

My husband! He is the calmer one and though we rarely have a fight whenever we have it he is the one who always makes the first move. Lucky me!

Although women are always right, I'll still apologize for my part, but most importantly is to talk things out and don't let the conflict stay.

Normally it's my husband who talks to me first after we cooled down. Sometimes I will apologize to him first if I know I am at fault first.