The best part of being pregnant is ...

What is the best part of being pregnant?

The best part of being pregnant is ...
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Physically nothing is good... maybe because I have chronic illness causing high risk pregnancy and severe morning sickness but I look forward to loving and nurturing my child. I love nesting stage too 🥰

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Baby kicks. Also able to have a big belly but not feel self conscious that its because i am fat lol

Baby's movements and kicks, and being able to eat without having to reason to anyone.🤭

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The amazing feeling when baby reacts to you by swimming in yiur tummy.

A reminder everytime the baby kicks that you are carrying a life

feeling pampered, getting more care from loved ones

feeling the movement some shaking in tummy 😄😄

Felt baby movements and attention from loved ones

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Excuse to sleep more n satisfy my weird cravings

Being treated like a princess at home 🤭