Do you believe the men who are close to their moms are more loving and respectful to their partners?

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Yes if their mother is a role model wife/mother/daughter in law. The son will probably respect women in general, and could be a gentleman. Otherwise, it might be a love-hate relationship between mother and son, mother can't stop interfering and son can't resist reporting. In that scenario, the mother will constantly feel a need to compete and doing things a wife can do for the son ( like checking bank account and opening personal letters). Many a times the wife might feel incompetent, less prioritized, and being treated unfairly. Just saying.

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Hey, Well! I do not think it holds true fully. I mean, this can be right that boy who grew up seeing women being respected and treated well in his family will treat females nicely but I can't say the same about him loving the woman in his life only because he is close to his mother. Rather, it can be other way round that if a man is closer to his mom then he may not be able to love his partner as much. It may be because of the fact that the man will be boomranged between mother and wife.

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Many of my male friends who are really close to their mothers are also extra sweet to their partners in life. However, it doesn't guarantee that they are faithful to them. I also know someone who didn't grow up with his mom, and his attitude towards women is really horrible. Seems his father didn't teach him well how to respect women.

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Hmmm... Maybe, in a way they have high regard for women especially if they grew up seeing their mother and other women in the family being respected. But Yeah, I don't this gives them an excuse to cheat to their partners. Men are still men.

Hi, This is an ideal situation which I guess only happens in dreams. I do not believe in this scenario. Or that man would be an out of this world man who would have so much of intelligence to balance both the women in perfection.

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I would say men who respect their moms will respect their partners. Like my hubby. If my man is close to his mom, i wouldnt like it cos it will be like a mommy's boy.

8y trước

Give and take ;) Can't have the best of both world.

Yes. Afterall the first role model would be their mom. How they treat the first lady in their lives would show how they would treat their wives.

Possible. But too much closeness might be dangerous too. He might prioritize her mother over your own family.

Possible but not applicable to all. Some love their moms so much that she is still his priority and not the wife.

8y trước

hmmm.. that is a good quality to have, won't you want your kids to be so? Morbidly speaking you will out live their mother, so when she is gone you will be his priority ;)