Pregnancy Weight Gain

Before pregnant I was 66.8kg(also around the time when I found out I was pregnant). During the first trimester I had no appetite and my weight dropped to 62.8kg. Now I'm in week 19 my weight is 67.2kg. Do I calculate the weight gain from 66.8kg or from 62.8kg?

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Thành viên VIP

66.8kg! But don’t worry about your weight ok? Once you give birth you will be able to lose those weights by breastfeeding and exercising (:. Eat well and take care 😊

Super Mom

66.8, but don’t worry. The real weight gain will come in the second half of pregnancy:) and as long as baby’s growing well, it’s all good

I would use pre preg weight.. means before i found out i was preg. For me i was 59kg before... now i am 67kg at 27 weeks. 😅

Thành viên VIP

I would think from 66.8kg. But dont let numbers affect u. So long baby scan shows baby gain good weight, it's fine.

Same happened to me. I use 62kg as the starting point because I just couldn't get myself back to 66

4y trước


Thành viên VIP

The gynae usually tell us weight of baby?