Thoughts on abortion

Hello, It's been a week since I found out I was pregnant and confirmed in the polyclinic I went. An estimated prediction of pregnancy was 7 weeks. I had talks with the father of the child, he was actually happy about the whole pregnancy (he haven't think about the future yet, but was just happy that he could be a father). After a few days and confirmation of pregnancy, we had a talk about our future and also a referral to KKH for scans. I told him that if he did not want the baby, we should go ahead for abortion and not waste more money on scanning and all - which he did think and he also was given a few days to 'calculate' and think about our future. I was actually heading towards abortion because it was too sudden and we are not that ready both financially and because of our families (my family doesn't like him a lot and his mother don't like me at all) But because he was so happy earlier on when I broke the news, I was very invested in trying to ensure I take good care of my body for the pregnancy and maybe my thoughts changed for abortion. When he came back to me upon going through all the reflections and thinking, he told me maybe abortion would be a better choice for our situation. I was half happy because it was something I wanted but at the same time I cried alot at the choice he had also decided, it was maybe because I was so invested in this whole pregnancy I wanted to keep the baby - even though I am worried about the future. Please advice if it would be better to go for abortion instead of giving birth in this situation because I am torn on this.

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Personally I'm never in favour of abortion. The child is not at fault. Not saying you are at fault either. Everyone have their reasons. But here you need to think whether those reasons are bigger than the life of a child. From your post your main constrain is financial dependency. That can change anytime. Today you abort a baby and tmrw you win a toto or find a better paying job or got huge cut bonus, you will be better off financially but you lost the baby already. Again about your families' feeling about you and your spouse, that's all secondary. Important is how do you feel about eachother. You also mentioned you are feeling emotionally attached to the baby already. The guilt may stay there for long. Is it all really worth it is something you need to think. There are many gov schemes to help financially back families. You can also go as a subsidized patient rather than getting a private gynec. During the 40 weeks Pregnancy journey you and your partner will definitely connect emotionally with the baby. If after birth you still feel like you don't want to keep the baby, you can put the child for adoption and help a child less family. Look for reasons to keep the baby and you will find plenty rather than looking for reasons to get rid of.

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