giddy & light headed
Been feeling giddy & light headed for the whole week. ?I am 5 weeks pregnant. Anyone having similar symptoms as well?

Hi. I started hvibg dizzy spells and whole day vomiting from week 5. Now currently im into my week 8. Still the same. Its normal but u will hv to highlight to ur gynae. He or she will prescribe pills to help u. Either ur blood pressure is abit low, u may need to get some sugar to help u raise abit of the blood pressure, but gynae should be able to check u out. If not bp problem he can give u other vitamin pills to help elevate the problem
Read moreSame,I was always feeling dizzy from afternoon onwards. I was post COVID 1 week, that time,was confused whether it is due to COVID recovery or pregnancy. I was 5weeks pregnant that time. it sort of impacted my work and have to take more frequent rest. After close to 1 week of experiencing that,I start to feel less dizziness and shorter duration.
Read moreI had e same almost throughout e whole, and even falling asleep while working in office at first trimester. It was normal for my case. However it got worse when it closer to my EDD and sent to A&E as e dizzy spells caused me unable to function day-to-day. After delivery everything back to normal.
everyone is different. so far i only experience slight cramp on some days and everyday sore boobs. so far no morning sickness yet. try to rest as much as possible. maybe u can ask ur gynae if theres any supplement can help you. hang in there 🥰
Been experiencing the same for couple of days now. I'm on my 5th week also. Lying on bed for the whole day, small frequent meals and trying to still hydrate myself as I can. Will visit my OB on the 23rd. Hope we all feel better soon 😘
I am at week 5 too. Working night shift in a hospital as i write and i have to bend up and down and i felt dizzy and a little nauseous a little while back..:(
Yes I also experienced this. Do check with your gynae. I was put on some supplements to help boost my energy.

Yup experiencing the same. I just take more time to slowly get up and no sudden movements.
Yes I also experienced this! I feel so tired and crampy and slightly light headed as well.
It’s normal for early pregnancy. Will probably last for awhile.