no increase of milk
Its been 3months since i started breastfeeding, but my milk supply doesn't seem to be growing each side 50 max. I do nt have enough to feed my baby .... I've tried all sort of lactation products doesn't work....HELP!!

How often are you pumping? How much fluids are you taking in each day? How much sleep are you getting? Do you have videos of your baby on your phone? You can try power pumping to boost your supply. Also, if you’re hoping increase the rate of production, pump every 2-3 hours for now, and make sure you empty the breasts completely. Aim for drinking 3L of fluids a day (including soup, water, juices, etc). Avoid coffee because it makes you pee a lot. If you work long hours and don’t get enough rest, you won’t be able to produce enough too. Watching videos of your baby while pumping or hearing baby cry, etc, can help the milk to come while you’re pumping. Hope the supply increases soon:)
Read moreDrink more water, don't be so stress try relaxing yourself when pumping. Bm works in supply and demand try latching your baby at night if you're working in the day. Or try pump 2 to 3 hourly let your body know you need more milk.
Hey, Please have more water intake daily and also be relaxed when you are pumping. Sometimes stressed schedule also impacts so also take proper rest
Are you latching baby? Use a Haakaa to collect milk on the other side when baby latch. Try power pumping
Maybe this article may help
drink more water and try power pumping
I don't think i will be able to power pump cos i am onli able to pump during lunch time
Raw papaya helps.
Try legendairy
Momsy of 3 energetic magician