Any recommended creams for this?
It’s been 1 month and these have been still around. I’ve tried using cetaphil, bioderma baby, Jing Ying Hua etc but doesn’t work. My baby has baby acne too. What do I do?

My baby has these too for 1 week plus. I applied breast milk to the area and air dry it. You can try to bathe your baby with your breast milk (if you have extra stash). Also try to keep your room cool and wear clothes that are not so thick as the warm weather seems to exacerbate the rashes. I used Gaia Moisturising lotion because it has camomile properties in it. But apply a thin layer not too much. Hope it’ll help your baby to recover soon! If it doesn’t seem to recover, you should see a P.D. then.
Read moreMy baby used to have that for few months. What you can do is moisturise and clean that area everyday. Our PD recommend us Ceradan, it’s tested and proven to work on Asian skin. Try changing his body wash to something fragrance free too. Try to avoid applying steroid because it burns and will cause his skin to become thinner. From my own experience steroid will only “cure” it for at most a week and it will come back again. Don’t worry too much it will go away itself
Read moreHi mummy, try to bathe baby with natural rolled oats. I also would like to introduce you a product I use for my daughter but you can only buy online. Can I private message you?
Hi mummy, my lo has that too! We have been using california baby calendula cream on her and it helps with reducing redness in rashes and eczema.
Could be eczema. My 5 weeks old lo had it on her neck and a flare up of baby acne and ezcema. Went to private skin clinic and recovery took 7 days.
I went to Naaman skin clinic at Novena Dr Khoo. Very detailed explanation. Good to call for an appt before you head down. I only remb the first time I went was about 190++. Includes consultation, antiseptic cleanser (about 150ml or 200ml), prescribed cream for eczema (small tub) and repair cream (moisturizer, small tub) After 1st application, you can see the recovery, after 3-4 day, the recovery is already 70%. U can Google and read the reviews.
For rashes you can try paw paw ointment. As for baby acne dont worry it'll go off gradually
Hi mummy, are you able to watsapp Me at 92330648? Hope to speak soon
Try Alobaby Milky lotion or Suu Balm for kids.
U may want to try this, it works for my boy

Thank u!! will try!!
Best to see a doctor.
Nurturer of 2 playful junior