bb change from enfamil to nan. n directly after every formula feed baby will poo?? idk if it's laosai or normal poo bc she drinks bm as well. baby don't seem in any discomfort or pain. she seem fine. ahld i bring to doctor??
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my baby also poo every time she drink fm,but her poo is yellow so I'm not worry. she is on enfamil + bm btw
Influencer của TAP
Is the poop watery? What colour is it? Hopes this helps. When in doubt, please consult your PD.

Baby may not be suitable with Nan. If u r concerned check with PD.
Thành viên VIP
Hi... please bring your child to consult PD
What kind of poo Watery or not?
Thành viên VIP
Do consult a pd if you can...
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