Baby doesn't gain much weight

Hi, my baby turning 12 months soon. But his weight is 8.5kg,no matter how I feed him. He ate alot too. But weight gain slow as told by Dr he at the lower side of weight. What food do u prepare for ur baby to help gain bit more weight? Side note baby is quite active. Both my hub n I on the lean side. Thanks:)

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can check with doctor if it's of concern, I think usually if within his usual growth percentile it shouldn't be an issue. can try referring to solidstarts app, it's free and they list out all kinds of food and how to prep it to feed baby safely

Influencer của TAP

my baby also , im confused sia. When she turning 13 months, just 8kg 😑 the doc check about her food. drink milk and any food i gave her.

1y trước

My son is active too

As long as the kid eats well, healthy and active, there shouldn't be any concern. kids does not have to be chubby or meaty.

Super Mom

did u ask doctor if this is something that is worrying? maybe try feeding avocado?

Influencer của TAP


Influencer của TAP

