you are such a great mom for standing firm on your boundaries on knowing what is safe for your baby! sometimes in the midst of protecting our children, we will make decisions that other people criticise us for. as long as you know that what you are doing is best for your child, all else doesnt matter. she can think whatever she wants of you, in reality, you're an amazing mother to your child and she is actually a bad relative to your child for endangering your baby by offering sugar and caffeine.... I'm so proud of you choosing to breast feed your baby! breast milk is always good, the antibodies and nutrients in breast milk is invincible! maybe she had a bad relationship with her mother-in-law and is doing it to you now...? whatever it is, keep holding onto your baby and do what you think is right to keep your baby safe! ❤️
Relationship with in laws is tricky,but it sounds like your husband is supportive. Speak to him about your concerns, and ask him to have a good talk with her (not to scold her) No mother wants her kid to fall sick,but it's natural for kids to fall sick coz their immune system simply isn't strong enough yet. Your mil should be able to understand since she had kids herself. Let your husband tell her that now is different from last time. Last time they feed their kids everything,but now science and research has proven that certain things are harmful. Her own kids may be fine, but this is not her kid, and the parents have ultimate say over what the kid is fed. As much as possible, let your husband be the one to communicate it firmly to her.
That’s the thing about mil, they feel that since they’ve brought up their kids, they know it all. They are still living in the 80-90s and feel that all children should be brought up that way. Falling sick is part and parcel of life, it also helps baby to build up their own immune system. Please don’t doubt your decisions and yourself, stick by them. We won’t harm our own kids, we feel the pain more than anyone when baby falls sick. She had her time with her kids, now it’s your turn. Ignore your mil (rage if you need to. It takes a tiger to tame a tiger), tahan till you get your own flat. Don’t let her disrupt your plans and ways for your baby.
that's very scary to have her around ur baby even for a minute alone.. who knows what she will feed the baby. trust yourself and be firm against ur mil. good that u at least have ur hubby on ur side. these old folks tot that their kids grew up fine so can use back same methods. i can only say we r all lucky to survive those days when they fed us water and weird stuff when young. dun forget to keep reminding urself that u r doing a great job protecting ur baby and u r a wonderful mother!
That's just awful. Breast milk is the best no matter what. How can that be compared to coffee and honey? For a baby? Ignore her and tell her to leave you alone. If she finds fault, rage and say no more grandbabies since she thinks you aren't good enough, then she's not good enough to be a grandparent.
Remind her that a baby’s health and genetics is made up of 50% from the mother and 50% from the father. If anything, she should also blame her own son for not providing “good quality” sperms. Just distance yourself from her. Her toxic comments will do u and ur baby no good.
not sure if it will helps, perhaps bring mil along to vaccination visits then ask the doc about all the coffee and honey intake in front of mil and let the doc address her concerns instead? huggggssss
Shes crazy. Damn crazy. Sick in the head. My goodness. I thought my mil is worse but wow. I would be soo scared to let my baby be around her even.
Plan to move out and stay in your own house.