10 Replies

Super Mum

Hey mama, Congratulations on your little one! At 6 weeks, baby might also be going through a growth spurt where they may fuss a lot more than usual or drink a lot more too. Further, I’d like to add that at 6 weeks, baby still longs for the smell and touch of mama for comfort. Just to put this in perspective - about 6 weeks ago, your LO was in the womb. All she heard was your heartbeat, your voice and your partners voice (in muffled tones no doubt) and your smell. She’s had to learn to breathe on her own not to long ago, get accustomed to new ways of ‘eating’, sounds, feelings, colours, etc. It’s all very overwhelming! So wanting mama near for comfort and assurance is only natural. Would baby wearing be a possible option? Hope this helps and do hang in there! I know it gets tiring but they do grow out of these precious stages so quickly and before you know it we’ll be missing them :) Take care!

Super Mum

My daughter slept on me the first 8 weeks too.😭 I learnt how to pat her to sleep on the rocker/stroller first, then eventually her cot. Swaddle her nicely, turn her on her side, rest your arm across her thigh (so it feels like you’re carrying her), cup your hand and pat firmly (about once/second). Cannot be too weak. Baby learns to calm down and eventually sleep. Keep your hand there for a few more minutes after she sleeps and gradually remove it. You won’t succeed all the time initially, but she will get better with time. Stay in her room with her while you’re still training her. Then.. move on to patting her back to sleep if she wakes up prematurely. Somehow, after doing all this, my LO started to self soothe more. Hope things get better for you soon! It’s been a real struggle for me for 4 months, but things are finally turning around:)

VIP Member

I guess your baby needs the comfort and security from you. While it’s tiring, enjoy these little moments! It happened to me too. My LO used to be like this when she was younger. She is 4 months now. Unless she is unwell, I can put her in her cot after feeding her. She has learnt to self-soothe by sucking her thumb. Maybe you can try swaddling her (make her feel more secure) or offer a pacifier.

VIP Member

I think maybe what you can try is after you put her down, you continue to pat her to sleep and slowly slow down the patting then stop? Because my bb was also like that all the way till about starting of 3months then when I put her down, as long as I am beside her, she will sleep. But bb at 6weeks still need to feel the ‘comfort and safe’ from the mother☺️

Hee, sounds like mine! I kinda miss it though! My baby used to sleep on my chest. Will wake up if I put him in the crib. He grew out of it on his own at around 3 months. We tried swaddle and pillow too! Didn’t work. So I just let him sleep on me. At least I get some sleep too! Can’t possibly be waking up with every 30minutes!

I have been swaddling my lo since birth. All my kids have no trouble sleeping at night. The most swaddle i would recommend is the Woombie. Thats the best swaddle ive had. Baby slept thru out till 8 months. Now bigger lesser sleep in the day but still sleep thru out the night.

Super Mum

You should carry her for at least 10 minutes until she's deep asleep before putting her down. You can test if she's asleep by holding up her arm and dropping it, and see if it's stiff or not

Tried the drop hand test but she still wakes up after we put her down. The only comfort is she sleeps after night feeds its only day time naps that she wants to be carried.


Get her a Bean Sprout Husk Pillow? Putting it on her chest/tummy let her feel secure and comfort like sleeping on your body

Ya I have that but doesn't seem to prolong her sleep.

Is this a phase? My baby of 6 weeks is having the same issue...carry till my back pain :(

Baby needs comfort. And you are her comfort right now.

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