The every hour feed (Speaking with emojis)

Baby, me, hubby - 😴 Baby - 😭 Me - shove boob into baby mouth Baby - 😴 1 hour later.... Baby - 😭 Me - shove boob in mouth second time Baby - 😴 The next hour later... And continues the rest of the night... Baby - 😭 Me - 😩 While feeding baby... Me: -looks at hubbs- Hubbs - 😴🤤 Me: 🤬 When you just want to slap your hubby for sleeping too well..

8 Replies
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ya. i also wanna slap my hubby so many times alr. then when i angry he like 🤔🤔🤔😑😑😑 that b**** went crazy again. 🤦🤦

Super Mom

Haha that's funny.It will be over soon then you will miss this!

Influencer của TAP

my baby did this to me when she's teething every single time

Thành viên VIP

agree much🤣🤣🤣



Influencer của TAP

