Can i get my baby to see a paediatrician

My baby has been crying very badly ever since she was born and now she turned 6 months old and still crying but got extra screaming. At times I don’t know if my baby is developing normally like other child.. because i still need to rock her whenever she wanna sleep and when she’s crying+screaming, she won’t drink her milk at all. I still have to carry her and she can’t be alone on her own. How to know if my baby doesn’t have a mental problem?? #1stimemom #firstbaby #pleasehelp #worryingmom

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Follow up with her PD. My boy had digestive problem so always colicky so he’s a crying baby. His PD suggested changing bottles and give probiotics supplement and it helps. My boy is also very sticky and wants to be carried n rock to sleep till about 12mths.