Hi mummies! I don’t know whether I should feeling concerned with regards of my 4 month old babyg. We went for her monthly check up and doctor mentioned babygirl percentage of growth is 90% percentile. She weighs 7.9kg now as she sleeps well and has been drinking milk 120ml consistently. am wondering what’s the ideal weight for a 4 months old baby? and should i be worried? ##1stimemom #firstbaby #worryingmom 😔
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Hi mummies. I returned to work this Tuesday after my 4 months maternity leave. I was really down and sad not able to be there for my baby. I’m sure all mummies will feel the same. I thought it will get better after a few days but these feelings still remain. I felt emotional whenever I received my baby’s photos from my mum and when I think about my fear of missing out. Work was busy and it’s difficult to catch a time to pump milk. Always with sudden meetings and duties. I can never leave my work place on time due to the workload and only to reach home at 6+ to 7pm which only left me with 2-3hrs of time with baby. The covid situation in my workplace is getting worst. I know it’s a new normal now. There’s at least one person get contacted with covid each day. I’m worried I might get it and pass it to baby and the thought of not able to see and touch baby for 7 days is painful. Babies are young and they are unable to express their pain if contacted by covid and we aren’t sure about the long term effects. I’m planning to resign soon but notice is 3 months long. I cried almost everyday since I start work. How do you manage post maternity leave blues? #advicepls #1stimemom #pregnancy #worryingmom
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My 2yr LO for the past 2months lost interest in eating. Only happily drinks milk and eats fruits. As a result she has lost a lot of weight and is now looking rather bony. How do I get her back to eating her main meals? She used to eat so well.... Is this 2-months-and-on-going thing a phase?#advicepls #worryingmom
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