Nipple confius helpppp

Baby confius nipple.. cemana nak buat ea? Mommy2 ada suggestion x utk masalah mcmni🥺🥺

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Skin to skin baby sekerap yang boleh supaya baby kenal bau ibu. Buat oral stimulation sebelum df. Keep offer bila early cue atau boleh try offer time baby tengah mamai. If baby taknak jgn paksa. Stop sekejap dan tenangkan baby dulu . bg dulu sedikit susu perahan ibu guna cup or syringe . dah okay baru ibu offer df balik. Proses ni memang take time. As long as puan tak give up inshaallah baby boleh df balik. 😊

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9mo trước

Kalau dah skin to skin tp baby tanak smpai meronta2 mcm mana ya