baby stuffy nose
My baby is 4months now. He got flu when he is 2months old. Till now he still got many phlegm. When he breathe like stuffy nose without mucus. Tried the garlic palm but seems not much help. He still able to sleep well. Any mummies can advice?
Maybe you can try running a humidifier in your baby’s room while they sleep to help loosen mucus. Or have your baby take a warm bath. The playtime will distract from their discomfort and the warm water can help clear nasal congestion.
Put a little bit of olbas oil for baby on his shirt and pillow to help him breathe and clear his nose. But I would recommend you see your pediatrician for professional assistance
If all home remedies don't work maybe should bring him to e pd. Hope your little one recovers soon!
Do you have an air purifier at home? It can perhaps help to ease the stuffy nose
Ya have. Ok. Will try 😊
Maybe bring him to either PD or yu guo tcm?
Try apply vicks on the chest n back
bring her out for sunbath in the morning
Oh okok will try
Illadin works wonders!
For 4mths old cn use?
Mummy of two boys