Rubbing of ears
My baby is 4 months 15 days old. She seems to be rubbing her ears. No fever or anything. What does this mean?

Is she scratching her ears? Please check if her ears are red and signs of bites or infections. Please bring her to see a pediatrician to ascertain that it’s not a medical condition
Check her ears if there’s anything inside . At times it’s sign of teething or ear infection. Just monitor to see if it continues n of concern pls see a doc for a peace of mind
Mine do that too. As early as 2 months old. But I don't really control him coz when I check if there's nothing then just let him be as long he don't hurt himself
Is this the first time she’s doing it? I noticed my LO rubs her ears too, but that’s when she’s very tired and sleepy.. sometimes when she’s frustrated too.
Mine does that too, even he woke up from his sleep. Not sure is it teething as he has been drooling and bitting stuffs lately
Mine does that too. Since young he did it this way especially when he wanna sleep. So I just let it be
Rubbing ears can be a sign for a number of things. Teething, ear ache, tiredness.
Babies will rub their eyes and ears with their hands when they are tired.
Does she show signs of discomfort? If not it should be fine(:
Mine does that too. I think it's tiredness.