Week 5 Ultrascan. Sac Appear To Be Small 2.2mm.
Anyway with slow slowing sac? But sac grow and catch up on your next visit? Super worried.

If there are any anomalies durin the ultrasound scan, the technician would most often refer you to see your doctor. Were you asked to see your doctor about this? If not and you are still concerned, please do bring it up during your next visit.
Hi, best to check with your gynae as there can be ways to promote growth of the fetus as advised by your gynae. Hoping it'll get better for you.
usually if its something worrying, the doc will mention...if they didnt anything, it should be fine. just think positively! :)
Hi mummy, when you do the scan, did your gynae advise anything? If there's anything to take note, she would have informed you?

Best to check with your gynae- but breath, all will be good :)
What did your gynae say? Anyway to help with it?
pls check with your gynae.