Positive test but no sac?
Hi Mummies! I’m a first time mom and I’m super anxious! I missed my period and took a home kit test which was positive and I calculated we are 5 weeks pregnant! We went for an ultrasound today but no sac was detected. Doctor mentioned that it could be that it’s too early or it could be an ectopic pregnancy! This has made me scared! Has anyone had similar experiences? When did your sac appear? #firsttimemom #advicepls #firstbaby

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Read morehello! congrats on your pregnancy! I did my scan at week 6 and the sac and fetal pole was there. But because mine was ivf pregnancy so we could calculate the pregnancy quite accurately. But if you calculate based on LMP, there can be 1-2 weeks variation if there is late implantation or if you have irregular menses. So I would suggest waiting another 1-2 weeks for another scan. Stay positive because I've heard of how some fetal pole or sac taking longer then usual to show up on the ultrasound.
Read moreHello! I had EP last year and removed my right FT, was about 5-6 weeks back then. The symptoms I had was lower abdominal cramps, brown spotting and eventually bleeding. If you don't have any of the symptoms above, don't panic and just wait for week 6-7 and go for another scan. Wish you all the best and may everything go smoothly.
Read moreCongrats! Sometimes 5 weeks could be a bit too early. Pregnancy may only be 4 weeks gestational age. That happened to me before. Currently, I’m going into 7 weeks and have yet to go for my appointment. Best wishes for your next appointment!
Actually I had a transvaginal ultrasound for fertility check recently and the doctor also missed it! I was unaware of my pregancy then (4 weeks) I guess the baby is too small?
You must come back to have another ultrasound. Usually 8 weeks onwards you are able to see the sac. Pray the best for you and your little one ❤
I had the same situation as you, based on my LMP I'm 5 weeks pregnant as of today, doc suggested I do another my ultrasound in 1-2 weeks time.
Hey mom I had the similar experience but rest assured your sac will appear even after 24 hours from your last scan. Do not worry
I have similar reason . but I also don't know