7 Replies

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My cutie jst turn 15mth 2day ... fm the time I conceive till now it was jst me n my onli 1 beside me was my hubby (IT WAS N IS A GREAT CHALLANGE for bth of us BUT GREAT EXPERIENCE WE LEARNED for bring up a baby) Yes MANY days I HVE BREAK DOWN EMOTIONALLY but when I c my LO"S FACE .. I wipe my tears & get moving ... Everyday is A AARRGGHHHH N HAHAHAHAHAHA it all depends how we MANAGE OUR OWN MIND GD LUCK

I didn't have any confinement lady or nanny. Husband & mother in law are around to help. Husband will help with feeding, changing of diapers & washing. MIL help with cooking & washing of baby clothes & bathing baby. But honestly, I feel that time is not enough. I am sleep deprived & struggling with time to massage my boobs, feed baby, change her, wake up every 3hrs to pump milk.

I am confining with my parents now and they have been of tremendous help. I feel that it is important to get as much help as needed as you still need to recover from labour ie wounds/stitches and the process itself and also to care for the baby.

hello maybe you'll be interested in this https://yademasmama.com/en/babys-first-day-at-home/

VIP Member

Some help from your mom or mother in law would be good (:

VIP Member

me. tiring but for me it's manageable

u took care of baby alone totally? how was it?

Some help would be good

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