Planning to move in to my MIL place

Anyone in similar situation moving into your mil place and your family of 3 (young baby) will be in a room? Heard many horror stories staying with mil… so I’m super anxious and worried. Any positive stories to share and tips on how you adapt or manage to live harmoniously??? 🥲

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Mine used to be what you referred as horror stories. Your husband need to be YOUR team player instead of being the good guy. Most things can close one eye, but when it comes to involving LO’s wellbeing and safety, be firm and stick to it. Voice out if needed. Give and take. I feel healthy communication is very important, the entire family needs to communicate and understand that we all play different roles and have different concerns. Listen, solve, move on. Whatever it is, the mil should always respect you as your LO’s mother and not step over boundaries. I treat my mil like a friend instead of a mother but at the same time, I give the needed respect to her as my husband’s mom. If there’s anything unhappy, we open out and talk as sometimes the other party might understand it with wrong intentions.

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Totally agree with the comments saying no matter how nice they are, really really best to stay apart. Their true colours will unleash and your sanity will be compromised once you live together. They will keep showing you how to parent your own child and this and that is wrong. Trust me, no matter how nice. Been thru that and end up moving to rental

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my in-laws r nice but no matter what, i always believe that it's always easier staying apart than staying together no matter whoever the person may be... just the extent of friction that may arise... wishing u the best 🙏💕

There’s a saying that it’s easy when you’re not staying together. And very difficult when you stay under the same roof. Nonetheless, all the best!
