Acne Breakouts

Anyone having acne breakouts? I'm at 8 w and acne seems to brme growing alot especially on my neck...

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Thành viên VIP

I'm 10 weeks I'm starting to have small pimples on my forehead, thighs, arm and back of shoulder. Hubby asked me to take allergy test and could be hormones inbalance.

Thành viên VIP

I have. Around my chest area and neck too. Just pray it will go off after giving birth

I tried to keep the acne area clean hy wiping with wet tissue.

Yes same. My acne starts to stabilise only after the 2nd tri

Hormones! If bothers you then pls contact your dermatologist

I had that during pregnancy Use cetaphil or physiognomy

6y trước

Sorry physiogel

Normal. It goes away in 2nd trimester: )

it's hormonal! i had it on my back